Getting Started with Pimcore 11 Using Docker and Docker Compose

This course provides a quick getting started tutorial for Pimcore and covers setting up Pimcore with Docker and a Webserver, Symfony Messenger and how to Handle Failed Jobs, Configuration and create your first controller and template

Pimcore Documentation Getting Started

Docker-Based Installation

Copy the php service of the docker-compose.yaml of the Pimcore Skeleton

Pimcore Skeleton docker-compose.yaml
Insert into a docker-compose.yaml file in the folder where your project should be in your filesystem.

Check if you have docker and docker compose working in your terminal

docker -v
docker compose version

In this tutorial I am working with Docker 24.0.2 and Docker Compose 2.3.3

Now run the composer create-project command

docker compose run php composer create-project pimcore/skeleton local-test

change to the new local-test directory and start the docker instances

docker compose up -d

now run the pimcore-install command

docker compose exec php vendor/bin/pimcore-install --mysql-host-socke=db

follow the wizard setting a Admin username and password and defining which core bundles you want to enable from the beginning
Database Name, User, Password and Port are all already set from the docker-compose.yaml environment variables.
After the process is finished you can visit the website with http://localhost and http://localhost/admin

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