Here is how you can Support us

Here is how you can Support us

We feel really honored that you want to support us so we want to make that as easy as possible for you. Donating or any other type of support is very appreciated but not required!

This is still a hobby for us. This is to help us cover the cost of hosting and maintenance and a coffee here or there.

Become a Patreon Member

At PimcoreCasts, we're on a mission to empower learners worldwide. By becoming a Patreon supporter, you play a crucial role in fueling our passion for creating high-quality video tutorials and expanding the horizons of knowledge. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth. Your support makes it all possible!

Give us ideas

We have millions of ideas, but we want to make videos about features and topics you care about. 

Best way to tell us about what you need is to go to our contact form